Comparing Intercompany Solution
Walldorf's Intercompany Solutions is sold by SAP from SAP's pricelist for over 10 years. The solution is a time-tested software used in 100+ countries across 31 localizations and used by thousands of customers.
This page will help you compare your current Intercompany features with a few other alternatives. We have included only a select few features in the table below that we believe are critical for a customer looking for an Intercompany solution. If we missed anything, or if we have made an error on any of the comparisons, please do let us know.
The solution is made specifically for SAP Business One software.
"Automatic recording of reciprocal marketing documents among branch companies.
Example: Company A and B are 2 companies that perform intercompany trading. Adding a purchase order to company A triggers the automatic creation of a sales order in company B.
Support the following Marketing documents:
1. Purchase Quotation to Sales Quotation
2. Purchase Order to Sales Order
3. A/R Reserve Invoice to A/P Reserve Invoice
4. Delivery to Goods Receipt PO
5. A/R invoice to A/P invoice
6. A/R Debit Memo to A/P Debit Memo
7. A/R Correction Invoice to A/P Correction Invoice
8. A/R Correction Invoice Reversal to A/P Correction Invoice Reversal
9. Goods Return to Return
10. A/P Credit Memo to A/R Credit Memo
Intercompany Solution is localized for 31 countries and can be used for non-localized countries using Company Template and the language customization feature.
All field names, messages, screen titles, and button names terms can be customized by importing MS Excelbased strings via the Cross Localization: "Custom Language Tool"
Subsidiaries using different country localizations are supported.
Transactions in foreign and local currencies are supported.
Supports SAP Business One companies located across multiple physical servers and geographies as well as deployments on a single machine.
Configure the exact fields in the master data as well as the objects that are to be duplicated between each company.
Have all items and BPs from an item/BP group or specific master data replicated among only certain companies.
Define which users are allowed to add, update, or remove global master data.
The integration solution caters to service oriented scenarios by allowing replication of Customer Equipment Card, Service Contract and Contract Template. These are replicated across companies based on company operations like Sales,Service, Sales and Service.
Supports replication of UDFs data between branch companies similar to the master data replication process.
Supports replication of UDTs data between branch companies similar to the master data replication process.
Support the replication of serial numbers and batch numbers in the reciprocal document.
Along with Item type documents, the Service type documents are also supported in Intercompany Trade.
If a user cancels or rejects a marketing document, the application automatically cancels the reciprocal document.
Intercompany can be configured to suppress the copy to and copy from functions as long as the base document has not been approved.
Branch companies are notified real-time with messages/alerts or emails on intercompany transactions. The original documents are sent as an attachment in the outgoing notification.
The intercompany workflow enables branch companies to:
1.Accept or reject incoming intercompany transactions
2.Notify the sender companies of their decision
Allows allocations of incomes and expenses across branch companies.
Commercial organizations may have allocation transactions presented in a template format, in which only the recorded amounts vary from transaction to transaction. This feature enables the user to create predefined templates for expenses or profit allocation that can be used to record repeatedly occurring transactions.
Every business has transactions that recur over certain periods, for example on a monthly or weekly basis. This feature will enable the user to create templates for recurring allocation postings which can be executed individually, based on the recurrence information. Additionally, the user can set up the application to display the Recurring G/L Allocation Transaction Templates window whenever this addon is connected.
Allows the allocation of expenses booked through A/P service invoices across branch companies.
Allows the allocation of income booked through A/R service invoices across branch companies.
Allows the delegation of vendor invoices for payment to another branch company, allowing for centralized payment processing to external vendors.
User can load the vendor invoices from all the subsidiary company and perform the payment against the invoice.
This feature enables the user to receive the payment against the due from account representing the branch company. This will help in clearing the balances of Due from/ Due to accounts representing the branch companies.
Allows the journal entries of all branch companies to be consolidated into a dummy consolidation company, enabling a single, easy way of running SAP Business One financial reports for the entire organization.
Multi-level consolidation hierarchy can be setup based on the organizational structure.There is no limit to the number of companies you can consolidate. Account balances can be rolled up to a group level within the consolidation hierarchy.
Consolidation companies and branch companies may have different charts of account structures.
Consolidation companies and branch companies may have different local currencies.
Consolidates individual accounts based on historical, closing or average exchange rates.
1. Historical Rate – The system will use the exchange rate defined for the date of the journal entry.
2. Closing Rate – The exchange rate defined for the closing date of the consolidation period. For example, if consolidating between Jan 1st and Jan 31st, the closing rate will be the exchange rate for Jan 31st.
3. Average Rate – A user-defined exchange rate is set in the Average Rates window.
The consolidated financial statements can be adjusted to reflect minority interests for companies within the group
Journal vouchers can be considered in the consolidation process and included in the consolidated reports
Automatic consolidation enables user to schedule the financial consolidation process at user defined frequency. Consolidation process is executed without any manual intervention.
User can run the report to find the intercompany transactions that need to be eliminated in Consolidation Company.
Allows users to view in stock, committed, ordered, and available quantities of all global Items. Users can drill down to the warehouse level to check stock or summary mode that shows the overall stock levels for all companies.
Allows users to view business partner balances for all global business partners, either individually per company or summarized for all companies
Displays the sales analysis report for each branch company in a single report.
Single view of all payables and receivables from trade between business units and subsidiaries
Lists all pending incoming documents whose creation depend on the approval of the document in the receiving company, such as documents that have not yet been accepted and posted by the receiving branch company.
Extends the Query Generator and Query Wizard tools in SAP Business One by allowing users to execute queries across all company databases, thus enabling ad-hoc reporting in the Intercompany Integration Solution.
The intercompany solution cockpit allows users to view all intercompany-relevant information from a single screen. Users can view the Landscape Status, Integration Status, Scheduled Processes status, Financial Consolidation, and Trade Processes status, System Resource Information, Server Status from a single screen.
Allows users to restrict the creation of sales document for certain customers and prompt a warning message based on the consolidated credit limit and consolidated account balance.
Allows users to receive notifications for all intercompany transactions, either as a system alert in SAP Business One or by email.
Allows users to set the system to automatically retry failed transactions after a specified time interval.
Allows users to set the system to automatically delete log information for successful transactions after a specified time period.
Provides implementation wizards to implement the Intercompany Solution quickly and easily.
Enables user to view log of Interbranch transactions. The user can view the Success, Failure, and InProcess messages. The user can filter transaction logs by date and time ranges, sender system, or receiver system.
The troubleshooting tool for Intercompany Solution is designed to help partners or customer to identify problems themselves or export all necessary information while creating support incidents
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